[Foundation-l] Re: [WikiEN-l] Wikipedia spanks Encarta, Brockhaus

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 2 06:15:12 UTC 2004

--- Sj <2.718281828 at gmail.com> wrote on Wikipedia-l:
> Brockhaus "must concede defeat" to Wikipedia
> ....
> The net result: Wikipedia ran away with the top prize, a comfortable
> distance ahead of its stately predecessors.  "Brockhaus Premium
> surpassed the competition from Redmond," the review reported, "but
> must however concede defeat to Wikipedia".

Wow! That is totally awesome! Did they compare the English versions or German
versions of each encyclopedia (all the better if it were the German versions)?
Reading... Oh, it does look like they looked at the German version - sweet. 

Two words: PRESS RELEASE! 

Seriously, once the fund drive is over we should have a press release about
this and also mention the fact and result of our 'recent successful fund
drive.' We should also quote Jimbo when he said that commercial encyclopedias
will be out of business in 5 years if they keep doing as they have been. 
> Happily, the full breakdown of the experts' ratings were published
> along with the article, so that each encyclopedia may benefit from the
> spot check.
> A full translation will be available on meta presently : 
>  http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia vs Brockhaus and Encarta

Working URL: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia_vs_Brockhaus_and_Encarta

Is the copyright cleared on that translation (since a translation is a
derivative work it is still covered by the original copyright)? 

-- Daniel Mayer (aka mav)

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