[Foundation-l] Re: Wikimedia and Politics

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 29 17:52:10 UTC 2004

--- Michael Snow <wikipedia at earthlink.net> wrote:
> ...
> In either case, the effort needed for the Wikimedia Foundation to get 
> involved in any substantial kind of political activity would add 
> considerable complexity to financial and accounting matters. 

Yes, getting things under control under the current framework is the highest

> I'm not 
> sure if our financial procedures are in a state to support this kind of 
> change, although certainly they need to get there, regardless of how 
> politically active we become. 

Not yet - we have information flow and verification issues - but we are working
on it. I've been keeping the books off-line using the information I have but
don't want to publish that until I'm able to check some things with Jimbo (we
have both been a bit busy to do this part though; my schedule will open up in

> However, the Foundation's mission as I 
> understand it is education and the dissemination of information, and I 
> think any political activity should be incidental to that mission.

I agree. But once the Foundation has found its feet and humming along nicely,
then I think we could explore the issue in more detail. 

-- Daniel Mayer

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