[Foundation-l] Problem in the Yiddish Wikipedia

Dori slowpoke at gmail.com
Sun Nov 28 21:04:37 UTC 2004

On Sun, 28 Nov 2004 10:12:07 EST, daniwo59 at aol.com <daniwo59 at aol.com> wrote:
> I am very sad that I have to report this, but Node is deleting stub articles
> in the Yiddish wikipedia. This happens to be a language that I can read, so I
> know what the text says. Yes, they are stubbish, but they are the beginnings
> of articles, and at least there is some activity. I do not know why Node has
> decided to delete those articles, as there is no explanation. It doesnt matter
> if it is a stub about Reb Elimelech of Lizensk or Brittaney Spears (both of
> which he deleted by the way).
> To Node, I am asking you to stop dealing with languages you do not know. Let
> the smaller language Wikipedias grow naturally, without interference from
> non-speakers.
> Danny

That is strange considering that a while back Node thought it useful
to create some sub-stub articles with the wrong grammar and language
on sq (e.g.: http://sq.wikipedia.org/w/wiki.phtml?title=Shqip%C3%ABria
which in English would be "Albania is place")


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