[Foundation-l] Wikipedia trademark being used incorrectly

Rowan Collins rowan.collins at gmail.com
Sun Nov 21 20:11:37 UTC 2004

> That is easy to fix. Just put "A Wikimedia project" below the logo of each of
> our projects.

Thinking about this, I came up with another idea: use a distinctive
colour scheme. The colours in the Wikimedia logo are actually quite
distinctive, and we already have one other logo using them (the
commons, although no-one's got round to colouring the arrows green
yet, which would make it even more consistent).

And one of the problems is that other projects using the MediaWiki
software have a default look more-or-less identical to the Wikimedia
sites. So what I was thinking, is perhaps we could have a
"Wikimedia-monobook" skin that just had subtle shadings of that
particular blue, green, and red; this could then not be distributed
with the software [and we could probably even claim it as a trademark
;)] I tried to do a mockup of what I mean with the GIMP, but didn't do
very well. What do people think, as a concept?

Rowan Collins BSc

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