[Foundation-l] Wikipedia trademark being used incorrectly

Arne Klempert wikipedia at klempert.de
Sun Nov 21 19:00:09 UTC 2004

On Sunday, November 21, 2004 12:30 AM
Jimmy (Jimbo) Wales <jwales at wikia.com> wrote:

> Daniel Mayer wrote:
>> That is easy to fix. Just put "A Wikimedia project" below the logo
>> of each of our projects.
> I support that we add the global wikimedia logo on all the projects,
> in the place of the GNU FDL button.  We already say "GNU FDL" in the
> text portion.  The global wikimedia logo should be linked to the
> foundation website.

This sounds like a good idea, so I made two drafts for such a banner:

-Arne (akl)

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