[Foundation-l] Single login - decision 2004

Jimmy (Jimbo) Wales jwales at wikia.com
Mon Nov 15 22:00:46 UTC 2004

Daniel Mayer wrote:
> Option 3 looks best to me. The trolling issue would be no worse than
> it is now.  One way to *improve* that potential issue would be to
> grandfather-in currently conflicting names as proposed in option 3
> but lock user names from now on.

Yes.  What I would say is that we should go with option 3, and that we
should prevent any *future* conflicts by making it simple for people
who do not currently have a name conflict to reserve their username
globally if they like (this should be the default for new accounts).

For people with name conflicts, this can be a valuable inducement for
them to eliminate the conflict - as long as you're conflicted, you
have no guarantee on the username in a new wiki.

And finally, I would agree with Angela that this should not be a board
decision at this point, but rather a very widely publicized community


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