[Foundation-l] Re: Single login - decision 2004

Rowan Collins rowan.collins at gmail.com
Fri Nov 12 16:24:31 UTC 2004

On Fri, 12 Nov 2004 16:34:34 +0100, Andre Engels <andreengels at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Kate ran a query on just de and en and there were several thousand
> > conflicts (about 3000 or 4000 whose passwords and/or emails did not
> > match).
> How many of those are 'real' though?

'Real' in what sense? In the sense of 2 active users actively using
the same name on different wikis, there is no sure way to tell until
we start telling people to migrate; but if there are as many as 4000
*potential* clashes just between these 2 wikis, it's pretty certain
even that's going to be no small number once you multiply up by the
several-hundred wikis we now have running...

> In fact, I alone
> could easily count as over 100 conflicts, with over 50 logins under
> the same name and at least 3 different email addresses.

And from a technical point of view, those are very real conflicts:
ones which software alone cannot merge. Sure, we could have a
publicity campaign immediately before/after the changeover (depending
on the exact details of transition) to persuade people like yourself
to manually remove such conflicts, but that is part of the process of
transition nonetheless, and the scale of it has an impact on how we
implement the transition.

Rowan Collins BSc

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