[Foundation-l] Single login - decision 2004

Christopher Mahan chris_mahan at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 12 16:17:14 UTC 2004

--- Andre Engels <andreengels at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, 12 Nov 2004 07:18:09 -0800 (PST), Christopher Mahan
> <chris_mahan at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > I would prefer #3.
> > 
> > I think this is the solution with the least long term issues.
> > 
> > Only problem: Do you need your userid number to log in?
> I think no. You login on some wiki, and use your login name and
> password from that specific wiki. Then the system connects that
> login
> name to a userid, and that userid would be stored in or connected
> to
> your cookie. At least that's how I envision things.
> Andre Engels


Person A is Joe on EN
Person B is Joe on FR

Person A has ID 123
Person B has ID 456

Person A goes to EN, logs in as Joe, and gets ID 123, then goes to
FR, and everythig is great.

While in FR, session times out. Person A, now in FR, tries to login
again, as Joe. Oops, not possible, user Joe has a different password
(because Joe on FR is really person B)

So you would have to go to the wiki that you originally registered
your username with in order to log in.

Chris Mahan
818.943.1850 cell
chris_mahan at yahoo.com
chris.mahan at gmail.com

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