[Foundation-l] participation to tic21

Anthere anthere9 at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 8 11:16:30 UTC 2004



In february 2005 a meeting will take place in France. 


The meeting topic is “new technologies and sustainable development”. It will last two days. 


The program and the speakers have now been established. http://www.tic21.com/intro.php?Page=programme.htm&PHPSESSID=10338cd0a3fd3d50016cc4cdb283a63a


Wikipedia will not be part of the speakers.

However, I suspect our project might be mentionned by some participants. So, it would still be beneficial that there is a participant of Wikipedia over there, and if so, essential that we have a mini stand and poster/leaflets on it, so that participants to the congress who hear about Wikipedia will have a place to go to know more. Best would be an internet connection or a computer with Wikipedia on it. 


Who could mention Wikipedia ?


Well, first the organiser itself possibly, Michel Giran, since we had the opportunity to meet, and since he asked me to participate to the last tic21 newsletter.

Second, there are participants from La Fing, and in particular of Denis Pansu, who is one of the foundator of Wikimedia France (http://www.fing.org/)

I could also mention Stefan Jensen - EEA – GEMET, who is working with Gerard on including GEMET data in Wiktionary (http://www.eionet.eu.int/GEMET)

Bruno Oudet            -Ministère des Affaires étrangères (France), Conseiller spécial pour le SMSI is very aware and interested in Wikipedia as well. I met him last spring in Lyon, Yann also met him several times and will participate to Autrans organised by Bruno in january. (http://autrans.crao.net/index.php/BrunoOudet)

Daniel MATHIEU            -Association Tela Botanica, Président. Is also currently in relation with the French Wikipedia for content collaboration. (http://www.tela-botanica.org/)


I think all 5 at least could mention Wikipedia and redirect people to us.


Who is participating to this meeting ?
Many people, and many important people.

Among other

   Jérôme Bindé - UNESCO, Sous-Directeur général
   Éric GUILLON - Comité 21, Président
   Margot Wallström - Communauté européenne, Vice-présidente
   Serge LEPELTIER - Ministre de l’écologie et du développement durable (France)
   Rabia ABDELKRIM - ENDA (Sénégal), 
   Dominique DESAUNAY            - Radio France Internationale, Journaliste
   Thierry Gaudin            -Prospectiviste / chercheur (http://www.gaudin.org/)
   Guy HaScoet            -Académie du développement durable (also a notable politician in France)
   Fabienne Rubert            -Éditions Nathan, Directeur développement et des relations extérieures (Edition Nathan is a major publisher in France)


Why do I think it is important that Wikipedia is at this meeting ?


Potentially, there are some people with which we could cooperate (exchange content, get more visibility…). At the minimum, it would help the french wikipedia to get better known by organisations giving grants.
But mostly, it would be positive I think, that such people working at the Unesco, Comité 21, European community, etc… get to hear more about us.


Now, the problem is that as most congress, it is not free, and as more and more congress, even the mini-stand is not free either. It would cost 500 euros for a mini stand, and 300 euros for congress access (I think the 500 include the congress access, but I am just not sure). There are some trip costs of course, perhaps 120 euros for train and hotel. And naturally the costs of leaflets and poster printing for the stand. Business cards would also be a good idea. I suspect that makes the overall costs over 1000 euros. 


I would like very much to go to this meeting. Both because I am interested myself (I work in sustainable agriculture), and because I think it can be beneficial to Wikipedia. I am ready to take 2/3 days off to go there and ready to participate to the costs myself, but 1000 is just too high for me.

I have tried to get access for free, till now with no success. It is not really a french tradition to invite people :-). I also looked a bit for money to fund this, till now, no success either. But there are 3 months left, so it is not desperate :-) There are a limited number of stand though.


I am well aware that we should not have to pay to be heard, and that it would not be acceptable to pay the access with donators money.
However, I think this is one event which would be worthwhile to participate to and I am ready to give it time so that it is the most beneficial for our project. So, if any one has an idea of who I could contact to ask for funds for this, public or private grants, please do contact me. I am interested in any suggestion.
Aside from access and trip costs, I would like that we discuss participation of foundation and french association to printing costs of any promotional documents.

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