[Foundation-l] Interwiki Cooperation; NSK

byron gamildien byronandpam at webmail.co.za
Tue Nov 2 08:33:23 UTC 2004

On Wed, 27 Oct 2004 23:18:51 +1000
 David Gerard <fun at thingy.apana.org.au> wrote:
> NSK (nsk2 at wikinerds.org) [041027 10:11]:
> > On Tuesday 26 October 2004 22:26, David Gerard wrote:
> > > what was your Wikipedia username again?
> > The reason I have not answered that question is because
> it was first asked by 
> > a person who offended me ("as faulty as your logic", 23
> October 2004). 
> Therefore it can never be asked again by anyone else
> ever? I used to have a
> girlfriend like that. Used to.
> > That said, I also don't understand why I need to answer
> this question. Is it 
> > some kind of policy in Wikipedia to say your user names
> in emails? I notice 
> > many people post without mentioning their usernames and
> I wonder why you 
> > picked me specifically.
> Because I'm trying to work out how much credibility to
> assign to your
> radical and jarring ideas for the project.
> > > Do you in fact edit on Wikipedia at all?
> > Does it matter? I cannot understand why you ask this
> question. Are your 
> > mailing lists restricted only to your members? I don't
> think so, because it 
> > was very easy for me to register (if that's not the
> intended behaviour, you 
> > need to configure your Mailman installation). 
> It matters in terms of how seriously your suggestions are
> going to be
> taken. The reason I ask is to know whether you  have
> *any* experience of
> this wiki, the one you're advancing the ideas for. Your
> messages so far
> seem to indicate you don't actually understand much of
> Wikipedia culture;
> with a username, it would be possible to see what your
> edits are like, what
> you do and so on and get more of a handle on where you're
> coming from.
> > You can find me in many mailing lists or fora,
> including FSF-GNU/GNOME/CC/AMD, 
> It's not a True Name thing (that being no secret), but
> your persona within
> Wikipedia - if any.
> The essential point I'm trying to get across is that
> you're starting from a
> position of no credibility. If that's fine by you, then
> continue as you
> are; however, if you wish to be taken seriously and (as I
> tried to explain
> before) your ideas gain traction, I suspect it won't be
> adequate.
> > and I am lurking on many other mailing lists and
> communities, while I have 
> > also joined projects such as Drupal.org and
> OpenFormats.org and very soon I 
> > will join KDE. Slashdot has published stories written
> by me (KDE/FSF's 
> > WIWO...) and my karma there is Good. My university
> dissertation is on wikis. 
> > I notice some people refer to me as "he/she" and I
> wonder whether they have 
> > noticed who am I.
> Then surely you see what I meant about the phenomenon
> that although an
> outside perspective is good, you need to be able to
> explain it in insider
> terms for traction. Per project. This being not just any
> wiki, but the
> biggest by a long shot. Ask [[User:Kate Turner]] about
> the difference in
> feel between a small wiki and Wikipedia.
> > participate in your mailing lists as a representative
> of a friendly website 
> > which seeks to have relations, cooperation and
> knowledge sharing with 
> > Wikimedia. But if WMF does not wish to cooperate or
> thinks I am a 
> > "competitor", then you can just say so and I will
> leave.
> I wouln't say that at all (speaking only for myself).
> > Finally, I would like to know how we can implement
> interwiki links to each 
> > other and whether WMF is interested in this kind of
> linking.
> That would be a nice thing. At present it's largely
> hackable through
> templates in the 'External links' section of articles.
> you go brother,fight the good fight
> - d.
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