[Foundation-l] Re: Interwiki Cooperation; NSK

byron gamildien byronandpam at webmail.co.za
Tue Nov 2 08:18:15 UTC 2004

On Wed, 27 Oct 2004 13:57:16 +0200
 Anthere <anthere9 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> NSK a écrit:
> > Wikipedia is the largest wiki and I think its mailing
> lists are useful for 
> > general discussion and not only just WP.
> Apology to interfere here. But no.
> This mailing list is meant to discuss Wikimedia
> Foundation issues.
> If you wish to discuss using mediawiki for your site,
> head to wikitech-l at wikimedia.org
> If you wish to discuss links with wikipedia, please
> discuss on wikipedia-l at wikimedia.org
> If you wish to discuss your wiki projects only, please
> create your own mailing lists.
> We wish that lists are used according to what they are
> meant for.
> Thanks for this.
> Anthere
> thanks for the advice.will do.
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