[Foundation-l] Re: Finances

Anthere anthere9 at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 25 06:50:25 UTC 2004

Richard Gallagher wrote:
> --- Anthere <anthere9 at yahoo.com> wrote: > Hello dear
> all,
>> Regardless of the way we decide to spent money, we
>>have some in bank. It comes in. It comes out. 
>>So, we need some people to take care of financial
>>Mav has renewed his interest in taking care of this
>>after the elections. Angela and I are favorable to
>>this. I will not speak up for Jimbo... as he is on
>>holidays :-)
>>Mav has been taking care of Wikimedia accounting for
>>several months as far as I can remember. I did not
>>hear there were any problems. He also is interested
>>in working on the budget.
> What exactly are you suggesting?  That Maveric149
> should be the treasurer or he should be some sort of
> financial clerk?

No. The treasurer is a board position. But the board is empowered to 
delegate activity to identified persons or to committees.
Mav would be financial officer, and report to the Board.

> If the former, then I believe the treasurer should be
> a member on the Board of Trustees.  This fits in with
> the foundation bylaws as they currently stand (
> http://www.wikimediafoundation.org/bylaws.pdf ). 
> Having a treasurer that was not on the board would be
> unusual.  If none of the current five board of
> trustees want to be the treasurer then I suggest that
> steps should be taken to get someone on to the board
> who does.

5 people can't assume everything that needs to be done. Not only 
"assume" (in terms of time) but also have the expertise to do it. This 
is why delegation is good. Why advice is good. Why having a wide range 
of opinions from knowledgeable people is good. That goes for finances, 
just as public relation activities, fundraising etc...
And that is why any wikipedian help is welcome :-)

> If the later, then I believe the the foundation is not
> big enough to warrant a clerk as well as a treasurer. 
> And the treasurer should handle the bulk of financial
> dealings.
>>Other people might be interested as well to
>>participate in financial issues. In particular, the
>>perspective of a professionnal on legal issues or on
>>accounting would be most welcome. I think we should
>>thrive to have teams as much as possible, and people
>>with various perspectives, as it is more productive
>>and usually more successful. A group of 3-5 people
>>would be neat :-)
>>So, if someone is interested in being part of the
>>financial committee, please speak up :-)
>>Criticism and/or nomination may be public or
> I will put my hand up for such a committee.

I personally do not know you. So, I will listen what other people will 
say :-)

> I believe it is important to get a set accounts drawn
> including a balance sheet and statement of income and
> expenditure.  Then have them audited by a chartered
> accountant.  Because often when applying for grants
> they will request an audited set of accounts.
> Richard (aka Popsracer)

Might you explain what you are thinking of, when you mention "a 
chartered accountant" ?

In all cases, I invite you to consult my user page on meta. 
It hosts a collection of links which might be of interest to you.
In particular, do not forget to check out 

Thanks :-)

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