[Foundation-l] A Challenge: Sending Angela to gay Paree!

Angela_ beesley at gmail.com
Thu Jun 24 01:20:53 UTC 2004

I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has pledged money for
me to go to Paris. If I've converted the various currencies correctly,
it amounts to around £83/ €125/ $151, which is almost the exact cost
of a train from Colchester to Waterloo and the Eurostar train from
London to Paris. As the meeting is for one day only, I don't intend
claiming any money for accommodation. I really appreciate the
donations that people have made for this as it means no money needs to
come out of existing funds. I expect that meeting Anthere and Jimbo in
person to discuss our plans for the forthcoming year will be very
beneficial and I'm grateful for the support of others who see it this

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