[Foundation-l] Re: Bounties and expenses

bcorr at neaction.org bcorr at neaction.org
Wed Jun 23 17:59:19 UTC 2004

I've been watching this conversation with great dismay. As someone else has 
said, IMO Mark clearly has a very different vision of the Wikimedia board, and 
an incredibly negative opinion of boards in general. For the record, I 
completely disagree with him and believe that the board is important, and that 
reasonable expenses like the ones being discussed ought to be paid for gladly 
and without reservation

I have also just given -- $15.00 US -- for Angela's travel. I have done this 
as a show of good faith in the board, the individual members, and the process 
that led to the board's creation and the recent elections. 

*However* I hope that this does not set a precedent, and will not make such a 
contribution again, and I believe that this should be paid for by the 
Wikimedia Foundation -- *not* by individual wikipedians.

And finally, I hope that this discussion ends soon. It's very demoralizing for 
me to see this long debate full of accusations continue after so much good 
will was recently created among the various projects and languages through the 
board elections -- and I can only imagine what it must be like for Angela and 

Let's move on, and if necessary develop a *process* to decide how board travel 
expenses will be handled in the future, rather than a debate about the pros 
and cons of a board and what it should or should not do. And if also 
necessary, we can develop another process to discuss and debate, and decide 
the pros and cons of a board and what it should or should not do

Brian (BCorr)

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