[Foundation-l] Re: A Challenge: Sending Angela to gay Paree!

Denni dwindrim at shaw.ca
Tue Jun 22 23:15:22 UTC 2004

Angela represents for me what it is to be a real Wikipedian. Not to say
that the rest of us aren't, and there is a fair crowd of people I admire
here, but if I could do half as much as Angela in twice the time, I'd be
pretty pleased with myself. As I am presently between jobs, I cannot
afford to contribute a great deal, but I will offer a Euromoneyorder for
$10 CDN to cover some miniscule portion (some 8 air kilometres or so) of
her trip, and would be grateful for a mailing address.


•"The difference between extra-marital sex and extra marital sex is not
to be sneezed at." --George Will, on hyphen use

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