[Foundation-l] Re: [WikiEN-l] Re: Corporate sponsorship of Wikipedia

Delirium delirium at hackish.org
Tue Jun 22 15:36:03 UTC 2004

[crossposted from a discussion that originated on wikiEN-l]

Delirium wrote:

> Anthere wrote:
>> well, this is very unfortunate for you, because Angela and I will 
>> strongly favor use of multilingual meta over mailing lists.
> I do think we've had a vote on this on en:, which also contained about 
> five pages of arguments back and forth on both sides, as it came up on 
> the Village Pump about 5 or 6 separate times, but I can't seem to find 
> where it got moved to.  Links, anyone?

I found it: several separate discussions are archived on [[en:Wikipedia
talk:Mailing lists]].

The votes were mostly inconclusive...

Question: Should we have meta-discussions on:
* mailing lists?  9 yes, 12 no, 3 neutral
* web forums (boards.wikimedia.org)? 2 yes, 11 no, 5 neutral
* the Wikimedia wiki (meta.wikimedia.org)? 12 yes, 9 no, 2 neutral
* on Wikipedia itself (en.wikipedia.org for en: discussions)? 4 yes, 6
no, 7 neutral

Of course, these are more like straw polls than a real vote, so can't be
said to be conclusive, even if they had shown a strong preference one
way or another, which they don't.  But clearly people are fairly
strongly divided on the issue.  Allowing simultaneous wiki and email
discussion is probably next to impossible as a compromise, but if the
pro-wiki-discussion people would be willing to compromise on some
web-based discussion interface other than a wiki, probably a gateway of
some sort could be set up to allow posting and reading by either email
or web, depending on personal preference.  gmane does some of this now,
but perhaps some better web-email gateway interface is possible.


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