[Foundation-l] Re: Bounties and expenses

Andrew Lih andrew.lih at gmail.com
Tue Jun 22 13:51:43 UTC 2004

Why do so many people work with the flawed assumption that since there
is a way to spend money on X, it precludes spending it on Y?  Does
your company or household work that way, that is, spending money in a
strict serial manner?

On Jimbo's first ever trip to Europe, he and Anthere will be less than
300 miles from Angela.  We would be foolish to be so stingy as to
hinder them from initiating this new phase in Wikimedia Foundation's
development. Very foolish.

-Andrew Lih (User:Fuzheado)

On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 13:34:18 +0100, Peter Bartlett <pcb21 at btconnect.com> wrote:
> There may very well be in truth in this. However whatever the arguments in
> favour of the trustees meeting, wouldn't these same arguments be equally
> applicable to the developers meeting, say? The developers at least have a
> long and proven track record. So far the board has not had the chance to
> prove its worth above the old, board-less, way at all - thus we are being
> asked to take on trust that such a use of funds would be a best use. Perhaps
> it's a shame that a certain amount of that required trust has already been
> used by the refusal to publish the election results, despite explicit
> (albeit informal) assurances to the contrary before and during the
> elections.
> Further Jimbo and Angela and Jimbo and Ant have already met. Thus it is only
> Ant and Angela who don't have a face to put words too. As these two trustees
> are much closer geographically, there is more scope for taking time and
> waiting for the most cost-effective opportunity for them to meet.
> Pete/Pcb21
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