[Foundation-l] Re: Funding for the newly elected Board Members

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 21 17:11:58 UTC 2004

--- Delirium <delirium at hackish.org> wrote:
> Sort of to follow up on the last email in more general terms:
> * I don't disagree that, ideally, we would provide a small amount of 
> funding to the foundation members for specific purposes.
> * However, I also think we should provide a small amount of funding to 
> our software developers, who have done a lot more over the past few 
> years (and currently) to make Wikipedia what it is, and need more 
> resources to continue doing so at the same rate (or, ideally, an 
> improved rate).
> So, I'd say funding for such niceties as face-to-face board meetings 
> should take place only after the developers have the money they need, 
> which may include hiring additional developers for specific areas in 
> which we have no sufficiently knowledgeable volunteers, or at least 
> putting in place a bounty system to attract some semi-paid developers.  
> I could easily see EUR1000-2000 in the immediate future being very 
> desirable for this purpose.

This is something that the as-yet-to-be-created Wikimedia budget committee
should be working on. Also, there should at least be one face to face meeting
of all board members each year (which could coincide with a Wikimedia meet-up).
It is not at all unreasonable for those board members to be reimbursed for
their basic travel expenses (transport, hotel, and a small amount each day for
food). These expenses will be rather small compared to all our other expenses. 

-- Daniel Mayer (aka mav)

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