[Foundation-l] Re: Funding for the newly elected Board Members

Delirium delirium at hackish.org
Mon Jun 21 15:34:44 UTC 2004

Sort of to follow up on the last email in more general terms:

* I don't disagree that, ideally, we would provide a small amount of 
funding to the foundation members for specific purposes.
* However, I also think we should provide a small amount of funding to 
our software developers, who have done a lot more over the past few 
years (and currently) to make Wikipedia what it is, and need more 
resources to continue doing so at the same rate (or, ideally, an 
improved rate).

So, I'd say funding for such niceties as face-to-face board meetings 
should take place only after the developers have the money they need, 
which may include hiring additional developers for specific areas in 
which we have no sufficiently knowledgeable volunteers, or at least 
putting in place a bounty system to attract some semi-paid developers.  
I could easily see EUR1000-2000 in the immediate future being very 
desirable for this purpose.


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