[Foundation-l] Re: [WikiEN-l] What the heck is going on with Wikipedia?

Angela beesley at gmail.com
Sun Jun 20 00:39:01 UTC 2004

Rick wrote on wikien-l:
> What the heck is going on with Wikipedia?

The site is using a three-day old read-only back up at the moment.
This is expected to last until at least 2am (UTC).

Please see OpenFacts for the latest updates on this. 

According to Tim Starling, when the data transfer finishes, the
developers will make sure suda is properly set up to be a master. Then
the wiki will be restarted using that. A second copy of the entire
data directory will be made on ariel. Then they will try to start
ariel as a slave. After that, a third DB machine may be set up.


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