[Foundation-l] Mobile. subdomain

Arne Klempert wikipedia at klempert.de
Sat Jun 19 13:17:52 UTC 2004

On Saturday, June 19, 2004 3:02 PM
Corey Burger <cburger at victoria.tc.ca> wrote:

> If this is a double/triple post, I apoligize. I was getting error
> messages
> back.
> On #wikipedia DavidGerard posted this link:
> http://www.kwickee.com/. They are going to provide content to mobile
> users. These people are going to fail. We can provide better and for
> free. 
> My idea is thus: Have a mobile.wikipedia.org domain that is designed
> for small browsers. It would draw it's contents off the main name
> space, but would initally just download the first paragraph of the
> article. It would be readonly.
> Ideas/Thoughts?

Have a look at this:

Complete German Wikipedia, long articles split to several pages.


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