[Foundation-l] Funding for the newly elected Board Members

sannse sannse at tiscali.co.uk
Sat Jun 19 06:51:05 UTC 2004

> Hello,
> I know that the Wikimedia is currently strapped for cash. However, I would
> like to propose that we cover certain key expenses for our elected board
> relating to their participation in Wikimedia work. For instance, telephone
> calls overseas should be covered by the Foundation, and not the elected
> representatives. A broadband connection should be covered by the
Foundation as well.
> While every participant is doing their work on Wikipedia and the other
> projects voluntarily, Ant and Angela are expected to represent us, the
users. We
> should make it as easy for them as possible.
> I hope you support my proposal.
> Danny


Flying them to the US every week to attend meetings might be a /little/
beyond our budget ;) But certainly Foundation related phone calls should be
covered.  And if we need them to have a better connection then that should
be paid for too.

To reply to H. Cheney's concerns - this isn't about perks, it's about them
not being out of pocket with the extra costs that are going to crop up.
They are doing the Foundation a service, they shouldn't also have to pay
extra to do so.

This is very much standard practice for all organisations I would have



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