[Foundation-l] announcement: german wikimediaassociation(verein) founded

Anthere anthere9 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 16 10:07:06 UTC 2004

Arne Klempert <wikipedia at klempert.de> wrote:

On Wednesday, June 16, 2004 11:06 AM
Anthere wrote:

>> Anyway, I am real glad that the german association was finally
>> founded. I would be happy to discuss a bit its organisation and the
>> roles it intends to hold with anyone involved in it. I would be like
>> to do so, both as an interesting reference to be used for next
>> local-chapter-to-be, and of course, to see how the Wikimedia
>> Foundation and the local chapter could be related in the best way.

> I'm interested in this discussion, too. I hope my english is well enough
> for this heavy stuff. As the first step we should perhaps translate the
> bylaws.

Yes, that is a very good idea. We should place this on meta and start organising all this a little over time.
My german is certainly not good enough for administrative documentation. I know the english translation of most terms in agriculture, but frankly not in associative legal issues :-) We'll learn the vocabulary little by little Arne :-)

>> I regret I was not among you, it would have been nice to meet
>> german wikipedians...

> You've missed a fantastic weekend. But I'm sure it won't be the last
> one, so don't be too sad.

> -akl

Da ! 

PS : I can roughly understand what a text in german is about, but really do not speak it anymore. I forgot it all :-(
Only 5 years of German at school :-)

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