[Foundation-l] announcement: german wikimedia association (verein) founded

Elisabeth Bauer elian at djini.de
Tue Jun 15 23:32:07 UTC 2004

Hello all,

I'm sure the news is already around, but here is something like a 
official announcement:

On sunday 13th of June German wikipedians founded a local wikimedia 
association in Berlin: the ''Wikimedia Deutschland - Gesellschaft zur 
Förderung Freien Wissens'' (''Wikimedia Germany - society for the 
promotion of free knowledge''). We had 34 founding members - among them 
friends of wikipedia and of course a lot of people of the german wikipedia.

A board of trustees with ten members was elected, among them Kurt 
Jansson as chairman. The whole board consists of:
     * Kurt Jansson (1. chairman)
     * Arne Klempert - akl (2. chairman)
     * Elisabeth Bauer - elian (secretary)
     * Henriette Fiebig (treasurer)
     * Daniel Baur (assessor)
     * André Darmochwal (assessor)
     * Joachim Kerschbaumer (assessor)
     * Achim Raschka (assessor)
     * Mathias Schindler (assessor)
     * Jakob Voß (assessor)

The first (and only) decision of the assembly after the founding act was 
to declare Jimmy Wales a member of honour.

The list vereinde-l at wikimedia.org 
(http://mail.wikipedia.org/mailman/listinfo/vereinde-l) serves for 

If someone wants to become a member (we have already international 
members, this is possible), membership forms are available at 

A lot of other things happened in Berlin, too: Jimbo, Erik and Sunir 
Shah held impressive presentations on the panel "wikipedia and friends" 
at the conference wizards of os, the wikireaders ''sweden'' and 
''internet'' were sold at the improvised wikipedia boot at the 
conference and all evenings ended up in great parties until dawn, on 
friday many wikipedians met for the first time in real life, on saturday 
we celebrated the 100,000th article of the german wikipedia.

pictures and information (in german) on:

more pictures on:

elian, akl, sansculotte

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