[Foundation-l] Election results?

Delirium delirium at hackish.org
Tue Jun 15 09:24:55 UTC 2004

Daniel Mayer wrote:

>--- Tim Starling <t.starling at physics.unimelb.edu.au> wrote:
>>The bylaws say that the Board can do whatever it wants. However an 
>>ad-hoc interpretation of the voting results after the vote has concluded 
>>would hardly fill me with confidence. If you want a 6th board member, 
>>have another vote, with well-defined rules.
>If there is a consensus to do this, then there is no need for another vote. 
Well, since I agree with Tim's viewpoint, it would seem there is not a 
consensus, as a quick head-count indicates 3 people who've said they 
think it's a good idea, and 2 who've said they don't.

If the board wants to appoint a sixth member unilaterally, it of course 
has the power to change the bylaws to do so, but votes shouldn't be 
interpreted based on criteria set *after* the voting took place.


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