Erik as backup trustee (was Re: [Foundation-l] Election results?)

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at
Tue Jun 15 08:03:13 UTC 2004

--- jheiskan at wrote:
> FWIW, and at the risk of writing a second "me too" post in a row:
> I agree that it wouldn't be mischaracterization to call Eriks and Florences 
> competition a virtual dead heat. 
> I might modify mavs suggestion though. As there is a potential problem of
> vote
> ties if one trustee or another cannot participate in board votes (if any);
> why
> not hold Eric as a substitute trustee (assuming he is willing). Attending all
> meetings, and being a voting trustee on those occasions that only four of the
> trustees can be in on the meeting. I do not know how feasible this would be
> in
> regard the laws and bylaws; so if that would not be feasible, in that case
> mavs
> suggestion sounds quite as good, even though perhaps suffering from the 
> possibility of tied votes; which might have to be addressed. 

I think that is an absolutely wonderful idea! And no, your post was not a 'me
too'. Hopefully mine won't be either....

This way Erik becomes a trustee, gets to do all the work required of a trustee
(attend meetings, head and work in committees, etc) but normally does not get
to vote unless either Anthere or Angela are absent. That way our representation
is more consistent *and* we get another trustee to share the work load. 

Splendid idea! Make it so! 


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