[Foundation-l] Election results?

Fennec Foxen fennec at gmail.com
Mon Jun 14 11:58:37 UTC 2004

On Sun, 13 Jun 2004 23:52:59 -0700 (PDT), Daniel Mayer
<maveric149 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> A per wiki breakdown with percentages would also be nice.

I'm not an authoratitative source on this, but apparently there will
be NO release of figures (!), even on a sitewide basis, according to
directives by Jimbo, for some sort of fear that it will hurt peoples'
feelings? potentially provide statistics which might perhaps in the
future maybe damage their potential standing in future elections? I
have no idea, some sort of excuse of that nature... This is what I
hear in the IRC channel, anyway, would anyone here (Jimbo? etc) care
to confirm or deny it in a less transient medium?

Jun 12 23:11:25 <dannyisme>	 i was originally against making them
public, and jimbo, without knowing my opinion, concurred in a private

I completely disagree with this decision, and note that this probably
should have been decided and made clear prior to the election. Hmm.

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