[Foundation-l] permission

Natalia =?UNKNOWN?Q?Men=E9ndez?= natalia at innova.uniovi.es
Mon Jun 7 22:27:33 UTC 2004

> I am writing to different websites to ask for permission to incorporate 

> into a print publication (a textbook) some  materials.
> Those materials are to appear as published (in case my book is 
> for publication)  in the following work: English for Information 
> and Communication Technology, a textbook for Spanish students of 
> technical English, which I am currently preparing for publication.
> The texts will be part of the reading comprehension activities.
> I have read the  Verbatim copying in the web page, and I would like 
> to know if I can use texts from Wikipedia ad refer to the them using 
> the conventional scholarly form of acknowledgement at the end of 
> the texbook (including the title of the text and the page of my book 
> where it appears as well as the referece to Wikipedia) 
> Thank you in advance.
> Yours sincerely,
> Natalia Menendez, Ph.D

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