[Foundation-l] Re: Wikipedia-Freenode relations

Fennec Foxen fennec at gmail.com
Sat Jul 31 15:45:51 UTC 2004

On Sat, 31 Jul 2004 11:39:25 -0400, Fennec Foxen <fennec at gmail.com> wrote:
> I think it would be useful if the Board could appoint an
> Official Freenode Liason to be the #1 group contact, and if we could
> decide how we would like to have these sorts of affairs managed.

An addendum from lilo, the manager of Freenode and the Peer Directed
Projects Center:
<lilo> hi, you around?
<FennecFoxen> yes
<FennecFoxen> as a matter of fact
<FennecFoxen> I was just firing off a letter to the Wikimedia
foundation about IRC. :)
<lilo> tell me about the 'wikimedia board of trustees'
<lilo> ahhhh
<FennecFoxen> Okay. The Wikimedia Foundation owns and manages
Wikipedia and its sister projects.
<lilo> kay, perfect 8)
<lilo> may I offer suggestions?
<FennecFoxen> oh, sure.
<FennecFoxen> I've suggested that they appoint an Official Contact
<lilo> perfect
<FennecFoxen> rather then letting ad hoc contacts like myself manage
everything ad-hocly. :)
<FennecFoxen> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Board_of_Trustees has
information on the board's composition...
<lilo> let them know that PDPC would prefer that, and that they can
delegate any specific aspects of contact in any way that they see fit,
and that PDPC would prefer an official contact, and that setting one
up does not in any way commit them to doing anything in particular
with their channels here :)
<FennecFoxen> okay. :)
<lilo> that's pretty much our take 8)
<lilo> I just got a message with some complaints about having Fire as
group contact
<lilo> and if you're reacting to those, I think you're doing exactly
the right thing
<FennecFoxen> yeah. Fire is well-meaning, but some consider him Annoying. :)
<lilo> from our standpoint, we just want to make sure that (1) your
board has control over your presence here, and (2) any users labeled
as being officially involved with your project are being labeled so
<FennecFoxen> but his credentials are just as valid as mine in this
matter, really. :)
<lilo> I'm going to tentatively mark Fire as 'withdrawn' and we can
leave that up to your board

He has also left me with an official phone number for contact in this matter. :)

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