[Foundation-l] Wikicommons take 5

Andre Engels andrewiki at freemail.nl
Sat Jul 17 16:46:58 UTC 2004

On 14 Jul 2004 05:37:00 +0200 erik_moeller at gmx.de (Erik Moeller) wrote:

>Apologies, I'm a bit behind on my book due to various circumstances (such  
>as a friend moving in downstairs), and really need to commit myself to it  
>to get it finished. I promise I'll rally the troops for the Wikicommons as 
>soon as I'm ready. In the meantime, I'll state here that I will not stand  
>in the way of any temporary wiki being set up.

Which finds me in a dilemma, given that I'm going on holiday in a week. Part 
of me wants to start as soon as possible, but I think it's better if I wait 
until I'm back, unless I find someone else who is willing to put work behind 
it like Erik and me.

What needs to be done?
* set up a Wiki, preferably with the DNS entry as well
* get notification out to people who have shown interest
* get notification out to the various projects
* have discussions about policy and setting up a structure
* get some people starting with uploading
* get people working on coding issues

I need help from the technicians for #1, and would put the responsibility 
for #6 with Erik. The main question is #4 and #5. If there are people not 
only willing to help with that but to actually take the leading role, I 
would want to ask #1 to be done ASAP, and do #2 and #3 and then get started. 
If not, I will wait with those steps until I return, which will be in 3 

Andre Engels

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