[Foundation-l] New upload form

Michael Snow wikipedia at earthlink.net
Thu Jul 15 04:27:12 UTC 2004

Sj wrote:

>This looks great!  Now we just need to have the form's text factored into 
>separate site-specific messages and translated for other WPs... I don't
>know of a good place to announce such translation needs, so I created
>a section for it at [[meta:Translators#Translation Requests]].  Comments on that
>translation template would be appreciated. 
>Must there be a vote before this can be implemented?  Has anyone 
>suggested we not implement such a form?
Nobody on wikide-l has objected to the idea of having a form, and the 
response there was generally quite positive. Given the need for a form 
that requires source and license information, I haven't heard any 
objections to the basic idea and I'm not sure what reasonable objections 
there could be. If somebody wants to call a vote, they're welcome to, 
but I would say we already have a consensus on that much.

As to the exact details of the form, those can be worked out in our 
usual collaborative way. Somebody else later mentioned a model they had 
been working on (http://www.rainerzenz.de/wikitest.html), which has a 
radio button to choose GFDL or public domain, but no required source 
field. This doesn't help us meet the legal requirements for fair use 
images, so I think Andre's form is the basic outline we have to work 
from. Improvements are welcome, but the longer we delay, the bigger the 
backlog of inadequately documented images.

The text of the instructions given to uploaders, and the choice of which 
licenses to accept, are separate policy issues. There's no need to 
debate those just to get this form implemented.

I saw a couple reports of minor appearance issues with Andre's form, 
apparently browser-specific:

>Mit Opera 7.20 überlappt das Bild und Teile der Navigationsleiste
>den Text:
>http://www.math.hu-berlin.de/~ebermann/vikipedio/upload-formular.gif <http://www.math.hu-berlin.de/%7Eebermann/vikipedio/upload-formular.gif>
A little bit of testing should be able to iron out these problems.

--Michael Snow
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