Subject: [Foundation-l] Re: NEH Grant r?sum?s

reflection at reflection at
Mon Jul 12 07:00:14 UTC 2004


There are a few pictures of me in my photo gallery which I believe is
linked to on my Wikipedia user page.  Here you go:  As you can tell I like photography and
I travel a lot.
I am also a Journalist in the Navy stationed in Naples, Italy.  I work
on my Admiral's staff so perhaps I am a little desensitized to working
with rank as well as people I don't know well (or at all, most of the
time). In addition I am attending UoMaryland European Division (just
working on my requirements, it's hard to be in the military and

So, I don't think I am your bird, (but I do have a picture of a pigeon
in my gallery).  I was asked to help out with the Staff section and I
did my best considering the time constraints.  I received a rather
decent lambasting publicly and privately for my effort.  My apologies.

Here is a segment of e-mail I sent to Anthere:

"I think it would be a wise move to take one of the Board members or
Bureaucrats and put them in charge of keeping a grant file on hand. 
Some sort of generic representation of things normally asked for in a
grant application that could easily be modified.  You would also need
to make this person responsible for standing a Grant Watch.  What
grants are commonly divvied out that we would qualify for and what are
their deadlines and how often?  A calendar could be put on WikiMedia
for this."

So perhaps we won't get this grant application in on time, but perhaps
we can in the future.  In regards to resumes, we should probably have
someone keep some on file.  They are going to be needed in the future.

If I can be of any help, just let me know.  For now I am ducking out. 
I will forward anymore correspondences regarding resumes to Danny.


On Sun, 11 Jul 2004 22:02:42 +0000 (UTC),
foundation-l-request at
<foundation-l-request at> wrote:
> Send foundation-l mailing list submissions to
>         foundation-l at
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>         foundation-l-request at
> You can reach the person managing the list at
>         foundation-l-owner at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of foundation-l digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. fundraising proposal #1 (daniwo59 at
>    2. Re: NEH Grant r?sum?s (Michael Snow)
>    3. Re: Wikimedia Foundation Meeting, 4 July 2004 (Michael Snow)
>    4. Re: fundraising proposal #1 (Erik Moeller)
>    5. Re: fundraising proposal #1 (Daniel Mayer)
>    6. Re: fundraising proposal #1 (Daniel Mayer)
>    7. Re: fundraising proposal #1 (Angela_)
>    8. Re: fundraising proposal #1 (Daniel Mayer)
>    9. Re: Re: Wikimedia Foundation Meeting, 4 July 2004
>       (Elisabeth Bauer)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2004 09:41:41 EDT
> From: daniwo59 at
> Subject: [Foundation-l] fundraising proposal #1
> To: foundation-l at
> Message-ID: <2b.5bd56514.2e229d95 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Given the increasing costs of hardware in Mav's report, it seems as if we
> have to begin taking drastic measures to keep up to speed withour growth. One
> possibility is that we begin compiling a snail mail list of potential donors, to
> whom we begin sending out solicitations. Donation requests would be small
> ($5-$50), but this might provide some income over the coming months. Of course,
> printing and postage would be costly, but this would be an initial investment
> with hoped-for returns. Costs would include printing of a letter, postage, and a
> postage-paid return envelope and form.
> While I am not enthralled with this idea, it does work with other charities.
> What do other people think?
> Danny
> -------------- next part --------------
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2004 08:52:33 -0700
> From: Michael Snow <wikipedia at>
> Subject: [Foundation-l] Re: NEH Grant r?sum?s
> To: foundation-l at
> Message-ID: <40F16241.3010309 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> reflection at wrote:
> >I have taken up the /Staff section of of the grant application.
> >Having consulted with others the best way to do this seems to be for
> >anyone willing to help with the grant to send a r�sum� to
> >reflection at  I will compile them.  Please tailor your
> >experiences/education towards relevancy to WikiMedia.
> >
> >We are especially interested in r�sum�s from developers and
> >bureaucrats, but all are necessarily welcome. All Board members are
> >asked to submit.  In addition, we need as many people as possible to
> >answer the following questions.  Please do not reply to the mailing
> >list, but to reflection at  This will prevent clutter and will
> >maintain your privacy/anonymity.
> >
> >1) What is your full name and nickname? (Include a URL to your user page).
> >
> >2) Describe your duties at Wikipedia and qualifications for those
> >duties.  If you have a title what is your title, and how long have you
> >held it.
> >
> >3) Indicate the amount of time that you, the projects staff,
> >anticipate committing to the project on a monthly basis (hours), and
> >for how many months, years.
> >
> If the author of this email is not willing to even identify themselves
> to us, I don't see why any of us would want to send them a r�sum�. Also,
> I can't understand why r�sum�s from bureaucrats would be requested in
> this context.
> Note that the Staff section of the grant page was only just made into a
> subpage by an IP address. It has since been edited only by that same IP
> address and a user named Alterego (except for one minor edit by
> Eloquence). The username, plus Alterego's extremely short contribution
> history on Meta and en:, sets off all my sockpuppet alerts. In fact, my
> initial impulse is to attribute this to Bird, given that user's peculiar
> interest in "exposing" Wikipedia as a front for who knows what. No doubt
> Bird could concoct all kinds of conspiracy theories out of our
> collective r�sum�s.
> If the request is legitimate, and I'm the one spinning conspiracy
> theories, then two (actually, three) requests. One, could you please
> tell us who you really are? Two, would somebody who's a little more "in
> charge" of the grant process, like Danny or one of the board members,
> confirm that soliciting this information is actually necessary and
> appropriate at this time? Finally, when you reply to a digest version of
> this list, please do not include the entire digest in your reply. Thank you.
> --Michael Snow
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2004 09:17:06 -0700
> From: Michael Snow <wikipedia at>
> Subject: [Foundation-l] Re: Wikimedia Foundation Meeting, 4 July 2004
> To: foundation-l at
> Message-ID: <40F16802.1090706 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
> Angela_ wrote:
> >5) Board members
> >
> >Tim and Michael will have less active involvement than the other
> >members of the Board but Jimbo stated that their presence on the Board would not mean the votes of Angela and Anthere would be automatically overridden. It was suggested that the Board should be enlarged at some point, possibly later this year, and that prominent people external to Wikipedia could be invited to hold positions on the Board.
> >
> While it might be nice to recruit prominent Board members from outside
> Wikipedia (this could help with visibility and fundraising), we also
> need to be sure that people on the Board are willing to be actively
> involved. Tim Shell and Michael Davis are okay for now, as associates of
> Jimbo, but without a professional staff to run the Foundation we can't
> afford to have most of our Board members at that level of involvement.
> One possibility is to include additional community representation as
> part of any Board expansion. Another idea is that these prominent
> people, if they can't make the commitment necessary to serve on the
> Board, might be given other advisory roles instead.
> It's also possible for the Board to get too big, so that it's no longer
> effective or able to make decisions when needed. At five members, we're
> certainly not in danger of that yet, but it's something that must be
> considered if we expand the Board.
> >6) AOB
> >
> >Jimbo will contact a German lawyer regarding the registration of the
> >Wikimedia trademark in Germany, which someone else is currently
> >attempting to register.
> >
> This is the first I've heard about this attempt. If it's not too much
> trouble, I would be interested to get some more information about it
> (off-list is fine). I might also be able to help with the communications
> if necessary, since I speak German, though I have no particular training
> in German law.
> --Michael Snow
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: 11 Jul 2004 22:00:00 +0200
> From: erik_moeller at (Erik Moeller)
> Subject: Re: [Foundation-l] fundraising proposal #1
> To: foundation-l at
> Message-ID: <9CgE7JtCpVB at erik_moeller>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> daniwo59-
> > Given the increasing costs of hardware in Mav's report, it seems as if we
> > have to begin taking drastic measures to keep up to speed withour growth.
> > One possibility is that we begin compiling a snail mail list of potential
> > donors, to whom we begin sending out solicitations.
> I don't think this is the best approach. We're an online project and we
> should do our fundraising online. One key factor in raising money is
> making it as simple as possible so the amount of inhibition people have to
> overcome is minimal. The other factor is keeping people updated about the
> progress of the fundraising and giving them credit. We're an international
> project and we want to reach the maximum number of people on the planet.
> Finally, we want to encourage random acts of kindness. The Internet allows
> all this.
> What I think we should do is have a fundraiser twice a year, with a
> dynamically updated progress bar (we can get this developed now by putting
> a bounty on it), a list of recent donors and a list of top donors. During
> the time of the fundraising (a week or so every year), this progress bar
> would occupy the top 10-20% of screen space on all Wikimedia projects. It
> should be possible to directly make a donation from any Wikimedia page
> during the fundraising - just a single click. We would specify the goal
> beforehand and link to the detailed budget.
> We have more traffic than Slashdot. I think reaching our goals will not be
> as difficult as some people appear to think. It's just a matter of
> exposure.
> Regards,
> Erik
> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2004 13:24:29 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Daniel Mayer <maveric149 at>
> Subject: Re: [Foundation-l] fundraising proposal #1
> To: Wikimedia Foundation Mailing List <foundation-l at>
> Message-ID: <20040711202429.34462.qmail at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> --- daniwo59 at wrote:
> > Given the increasing costs of hardware in Mav's report, it seems as if we
> > have to begin taking drastic measures to keep up to speed withour growth.
> Yep - we seem to have started to enter the vertical part of J curve growth.
> Notice the jump from 4900K hits/day in May to 12100K hits/day in June. Did we
> have any extraordinary media attention in June to explain that?
> > One possibility is that we begin compiling a snail mail list of potential
> > donors, to whom we begin sending out solicitations. Donation requests would
> > be small ($5-$50), but this might provide some income over the coming
> > months. Of course, printing and postage would be costly, but this would be
> > an initial investment with hoped-for returns. Costs would include printing
> > of a letter, postage, and a postage-paid return envelope and form.
> Ick! I throw out at least a few of those every week. Opt-in email lists would
> be a better place to start, IMO. We could spend out a quarterly newsletter to
> past donors who agree to receive such a document and also make a donation pitch
> in the same email. An opt-in checkbox to receive such a newsletter for each new
> user account on any Wikimedia wiki might also be a good idea.
> IIRC, Jimbo mentioned having advertisements in that type of thing not-unlike
> National Geographic. Heck, we could also include quarterly WikiReader
> selections in such a newsletter and make it *become* a lot like National
> Geographic.
> In addition, we need to set-up a membership fee structure so that recurring
> donations can be collected.
> Once all that is in place and is successful we can think about also printing
> hardcopies and sending them to recurring donors who give at least a certain set
> amount of money. Everybody else would receive a pdf.
> -- mav
> __________________________________
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2004 13:45:15 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Daniel Mayer <maveric149 at>
> Subject: Re: [Foundation-l] fundraising proposal #1
> To: Wikimedia Foundation Mailing List <foundation-l at>
> Message-ID: <20040711204515.84139.qmail at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> --- Erik Moeller <erik_moeller at> wrote:
> > ...
> > What I think we should do is have a fundraiser twice a year, with a
> > dynamically updated progress bar (we can get this developed now by putting
> > a bounty on it), a list of recent donors and a list of top donors. During
> > the time of the fundraising (a week or so every year), this progress bar
> > would occupy the top 10-20% of screen space on all Wikimedia projects. It
> > should be possible to directly make a donation from any Wikimedia page
> > during the fundraising - just a single click. We would specify the goal
> > beforehand and link to the detailed budget.
> This is all a great idea, but I would have such a fund drive every quarter
> since projecting our budgetary needs out half a year involves a bit of hand
> waving since our growth is neither linear nor that predictable.
> > We have more traffic than Slashdot. I think reaching our goals will not be
> > as difficult as some people appear to think. It's just a matter of
> > exposure.
> Actually we are *way* ahead of Slashdot and now even occasionally pass up
> on a daily basis ( is still out of reach). Not to mention
> the fact that we have left,,,,,
> and other multi-million dollar media outlets who have a very important
> web presense in the dust.
> -- Daniel Mayer (aka mav)
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - 100MB free storage!
> ------------------------------
> Message: 7
> Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2004 22:01:06 +0100
> From: Angela_ <beesley at>
> Subject: Re: [Foundation-l] fundraising proposal #1
> To: Wikimedia Foundation Mailing List <foundation-l at>
> Message-ID: <8b722b800407111401568fe24b at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> Danny wrote:
> > One possibility is that we begin compiling a snail mail list of potential donors, to whom we begin sending out solicitations.
> I've created a page at meta for comments, and also for suggestions of
> potential donors if people think this is the right approach. Please
> see
> Eloquence wrote:
> >I don't think this is the best approach. We're an online project and we
> should do our fundraising online.
> I don't see a need to limit ourselves to this. If we can reach people
> through alternative, offline means, such as direct solicitations, or
> Wikimedia fairs (,
> then I think this could be a good way of attracting funds from people
> who wouldn't otherwise see the site, and also raises our profile
> outside of the existing pool of donors.
> > What I think we should do is have a fundraiser twice a year...
> I was thinking quarterly, or would that be too often?
> Daniel Mayer wrote:
> > An opt-in checkbox to receive such a newsletter for each new user account on any Wikimedia wiki might also be a good idea.
> I agree. This could be checked the same time as people check the box
> to say they want to become Wikimedia members. How about having
> checkboxes in user preferences:
> *Become a Volunteer Active Member [ ]
> *Receive Wikimedia emails [ ]
> *Become a Contributing Active Member [ ] (leads to a form where you
> can pay dues)
> Links should be given on that part of the user preferences page to
> terms and conditions, the bylaws, the privacy policy etc.
> Angela.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 8
> Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2004 14:54:02 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Daniel Mayer <maveric149 at>
> Subject: Re: [Foundation-l] fundraising proposal #1
> To: Wikimedia Foundation Mailing List <foundation-l at>
> Message-ID: <20040711215402.59549.qmail at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> --- Angela_ <beesley at> wrote:
> > Daniel Mayer wrote:
> > > An opt-in checkbox to receive such a newsletter for each new user account
> > on any Wikimedia wiki might also be a good idea.
> >
> > I agree. This could be checked the same time as people check the box
> > to say they want to become Wikimedia members. How about having
> > checkboxes in user preferences:
> > *Become a Volunteer Active Member [ ]
> > *Receive Wikimedia emails [ ]
> > *Become a Contributing Active Member [ ] (leads to a form where you
> > can pay dues)
> >
> > Links should be given on that part of the user preferences page to
> > terms and conditions, the bylaws, the privacy policy etc.
> All good ideas. A page on meta to synthesize this might be a good idea. I
> especially like the idea of a quarterly newsletter.
> -- mav
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Mail - 50x more storage than other providers!
> ------------------------------
> Message: 9
> Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2004 00:02:35 +0200
> From: Elisabeth Bauer <elian at>
> Subject: Re: [Foundation-l] Re: Wikimedia Foundation Meeting, 4 July
>         2004
> To: Wikimedia Foundation Mailing List <foundation-l at>
> Message-ID: <40F1B8FB.8070904 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Michael Snow wrote:
> >> 6) AOB
> >>
> >> Jimbo will contact a German lawyer regarding the registration of the
> >> Wikimedia trademark in Germany, which someone else is currently
> >> attempting to register.
> >>
> > This is the first I've heard about this attempt. If it's not too much
> > trouble, I would be interested to get some more information about it
> > (off-list is fine). I might also be able to help with the communications
> > if necessary, since I speak German, though I have no particular training
> > in German law.
> First, it's about Wikipedia, not Wikimedia.
> Date of application is 08.03.2004, so we missed already the 3 month
> period where we can object.
> Raw data in German is attached, short abstract:
> application is filed as a word mark by Joerg Nagel, Legan promotion
> (, for three classes:
> 22, 25, 28: (long list abbreviated: f.e. textiles, toys, games, tents,
> sports wear, christmas decorations)
> greetings,
> elian
> UG01 - Kurzer �berblick Markentext: WIKIPEDIA Markenform: Wortmarke
> Inhaber: Nagel, J�rg, Reutlingen Leitklasse: 22 Klassen: 22; 25; 28
> Letzter Verfahrensstand: Empfangsbescheinigung mit Veroeffentl.d.Anmeldung
> UG10 - Allgemeine Angaben Markentext: WIKIPEDIA Markenform: Wortmarke
> Letzter Verfahrensstand: Empfangsbescheinigung mit Veroeffentl.d.Anmeldung
> UG15 - Inhaber, Vertreter Name und Wohnort/Sitz des Anmelders/Inhabers
> der Marke: Nagel, J�rg, Reutlingen Zustellungsanschrift: Legan promotion
> GmbH & Co. KG Auchtertstr.4 72770 Reutlingen
> UG20 - Waren/Dienstleistungen (gegenw�rtiger Stand) Leitklasse: 22
> Klassen: 22; 25; 28 Erfassung / Umklassifizierung gem�� Nizzaer
> Klassifikation (NCL 8) Datum der Erfassung / Umklassifizierung: 18.03.2004
> UG30 - Verfahren (Chronologie) Anmeldetag: 08.03.2004
>      * Klasse 22: Seile, Bindfaden, Netze, Zelte, Planen, Segel, S�cke
> (soweit sie nicht in anderen Klassen enthalten sind); Polsterf�llstoffe
> (au�er aus Kautschuk oder Kunststoffen); rohe Gespinstfasern
>      * Klasse 25: Bekleidungsst�cke, Schuhwaren, Kopfbedeckungen
>      * Klasse 28: Spiele, Spielzeug; Turn- und Sportartikel, soweit sie
> nicht in anderen Klassen enthalten sind; Christbaumschmuck.
> ------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> foundation-l mailing list
> foundation-l at
> End of foundation-l Digest, Vol 4, Issue 7
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