[Foundation-l] Wikipedia trademark registration in Germany

Michael Snow wikipedia at earthlink.net
Mon Jul 12 06:08:58 UTC 2004

Elisabeth Bauer wrote:

> Michael Snow wrote:
>>> 6) AOB
>>> Jimbo will contact a German lawyer regarding the registration of the
>>> Wikimedia trademark in Germany, which someone else is currently
>>> attempting to register.
>> This is the first I've heard about this attempt. If it's not too much 
>> trouble, I would be interested to get some more information about it 
>> (off-list is fine). I might also be able to help with the 
>> communications if necessary, since I speak German, though I have no 
>> particular training in German law.
> First, it's about Wikipedia, not Wikimedia.
> Date of application is 08.03.2004, so we missed already the 3 month 
> period where we can object.
> Raw data in German is attached, short abstract:
> application is filed as a word mark by Joerg Nagel, Legan promotion 
> (http://www.legan.de), for three classes:
> 22, 25, 28: (long list abbreviated: f.e. textiles, toys, games, tents, 
> sports wear, christmas decorations)
> greetings,
> elian
> UG01 - Kurzer Überblick Markentext: WIKIPEDIA Markenform: Wortmarke 
> Inhaber: Nagel, Jörg, Reutlingen Leitklasse: 22 Klassen: 22; 25; 28 
> Letzter Verfahrensstand: Empfangsbescheinigung mit 
> Veroeffentl.d.Anmeldung
> UG10 - Allgemeine Angaben Markentext: WIKIPEDIA Markenform: Wortmarke 
> Letzter Verfahrensstand: Empfangsbescheinigung mit 
> Veroeffentl.d.Anmeldung
> UG15 - Inhaber, Vertreter Name und Wohnort/Sitz des Anmelders/Inhabers 
> der Marke: Nagel, Jörg, Reutlingen Zustellungsanschrift: Legan 
> promotion GmbH & Co. KG Auchtertstr.4 72770 Reutlingen 
> http://www.legan.de/legan_d.html
> UG20 - Waren/Dienstleistungen (gegenwärtiger Stand) Leitklasse: 22 
> Klassen: 22; 25; 28 Erfassung / Umklassifizierung gemäß Nizzaer 
> Klassifikation (NCL 8) Datum der Erfassung / Umklassifizierung: 
> 18.03.2004
> UG30 - Verfahren (Chronologie) Anmeldetag: 08.03.2004
>     * Klasse 22: Seile, Bindfaden, Netze, Zelte, Planen, Segel, Säcke 
> (soweit sie nicht in anderen Klassen enthalten sind); 
> Polsterfüllstoffe (außer aus Kautschuk oder Kunststoffen); rohe 
> Gespinstfasern
>     * Klasse 25: Bekleidungsstücke, Schuhwaren, Kopfbedeckungen
>     * Klasse 28: Spiele, Spielzeug; Turn- und Sportartikel, soweit sie 
> nicht in anderen Klassen enthalten sind; Christbaumschmuck. 

Vielen Dank für die Information, elian.

Well, nothing in the classes of goods covered by this trademark 
application should keep us from being able to register our own 
trademark. So this seems to be more a minor nuisance, rather than a 
fraudulent registration we would *need* to get overturned promptly. I'm 
assuming that German trademark practices aren't that different from the 
US, since international agreements in the field mean that at least some 
basic principles should be consistent.

It still would have been nice to make a timely objection, but at least 
this Jörg Nagel isn't blatantly infringing our trademark. It does make 
it difficult if we want to distribute Wikipedia-related merchandise in 
Germany, though. I wonder if that's what he had in mind, and what he 
intends to do with the trademark. Make a profit by selling it to us, or 
by forcing us to use his firm's services for merchandising? I'd be a 
little surprised if he intends to start a Wikipedia brand of clothing on 
his own. Was this application triggered by some of our German publicity, 
I wonder? Just some random thoughts.

--Michael Snow

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