[Foundation-l] Re: Wikimedia subscription donation

Anthere anthere9 at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 7 19:27:18 UTC 2004

Yup :-)

Come over to meta, and let's discuss it :-)

drop a word on my talk page please, 

or send an email to anthere9ATyahoo.com



Alan Shields wrote:
> I note on http://wikimediafoundation.org/fundraising that you encourage
> recurring donations. I've searched about but found no mention of where
> to set up a subscription donation, such as through Paypal.
> I donate through a Paypal subscription to the FreeNetProject on a
> monthly basis and would like to set up the same for WikiMedia.
> I'd post the question to the wiki, but I think this is something that a
> financial admin would have to do, so I'm posting here. Redirect me if
> need be.
> Thanks for all your work,
> Alan Shields

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