[Foundation-l] Help betatest MediaWiki 1.3

Nancy McGough nm-reverse-spam-filter at ii.deflexion.com
Mon Apr 12 08:33:59 UTC 2004

On 9 Apr 2004 Erik Moeller (erik_moeller at gmx.de) wrote:
> Please help us in testing the latest version of MediaWiki, ...

I'm planning to convert my Infinite Ink site to a MediaWiki wiki 
but I currently have no experience setting up or administering 
MediaWiki (or MySql). I'd like to use MediaWiki 1.3 or later and 
I'm happy to help beta test it but I have some questions:

* How stable is the 1.3 code right now? Does it make sense for 
someone like me to set it up and experiment with it?

* If I set up 1.2.3 instead, will it be easy to migrate to 1.3?

* When do you think 1.3 will be released? I know that estimating 
release dates is not a very accurate business but any clues in 
this area will help me decide what to do.

I'm looking forward to using MediaWiki!
Thank you,

Nancy McGough
Infinite Ink ~ <http://www.ii.com>
Deflexion & Reflexion ~ <http://deflexion.com>

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