[Wikimedia-in-blr] Update on Wikipedia 10 event

Arun Ramarathnam arunram25 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 6 04:59:34 UTC 2011

Dear all,

Thanks for the detailed update Srikanth.

I do think we should move ahead with NIAS (National institute of Advance
studies) as a venue. www.nias.res.in

   - We found it to be very spacious (as you can see from the pictures).
   - It has a nice stage and lighting equipment.
   - There are multiple halls (auditorium, lecture hall and possibly another
   conference room
   - They have a foyer that would help us have conversations between
   - There is ample parking at least 75 cars can easily be parked without an
   issue in campus.
   - There is a separate space for serving food in a buffet format.

The institute Directory and head of Admin head were gracious to accept the
request I made to offer this facility to us for free.

On behalf the whole team, I will go ahead and sent a note to them accepting
the venue and thanking them for the offer.

We have a great venue. The focus now is on the *content* and *
getting participation*.

This is a call for you all to please join the* daily calls*. We need more
help and hands on the deck.
There is a lot of work to be done, *We need volunteer time.* Please seek the
wiki for tasks you can volunteer for.


On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 9:26 AM, Srikanth Lakshmanan <srik.lak at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi all,
> Arun, Tinu and myself have been working on the venue and we visited the
> NIAS (IISc campus) yesterday. The venue looks good and we would mostly be
> confirming this place soon. Pictures[1]. Arun, can you please confirm
> this? I have applied a grant of 1000 USD for the event.Details[2]. The
> merchandise from foundation is on transit and we would get it in another few
> days.
> We still have to work on the content format, speakers, food, PR,printing
> banners, pamphlets etc and a lot more. We are having the daily call for last
> 3 days and participation is very low.It would be great if the participation
> increases from the core wikipedians to support this event to make it a huge
> success.
> We shall have the call at 10 pm starting today since some of us are getting
> late.I request you to join the call and help in volunteering for any of the
> above tasks. We need more support to make this event happen at the scale we
> are planning.
> Thank you!
> Time : 10 pm (starting Jan 6, Daily call)
> Conference id: 1587477
> Pin: 4254
> Dial in number : 080 67224444
> [1] http://picasaweb.google.com/srik.lak/NIASVenue
> [2]
> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:WM_IN/Bangalore_Wikipedia_X_Anniversary_Celebration
> Regards
> Srikanth.L
> http://srik.me
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