[Wikimedia-DC] DIY Book Scanners

Nate Hill nathanielhill at gmail.com
Wed Sep 21 15:15:36 UTC 2011

Hi all,
Sounds like things are going very well at the LibLab in DC!
I'm sorry I'm not around to be more hands on.

I've been talking a bit with Daniel Reetz creator of the DIY Book Scanner
His work continues to gain momentum, and he plans to start offering kits to
build these things very soon.
Some of the first kits will be available to folks with existing needs:
meaning book scanning projects in the queue.

This sounds like a great fit for the LibLab.  So I have a few questions:
Are you all working with a FabLab / TechShop of some sort in DC right now?
Is there a book scanning project you are interested in doing?
Do you have the capacity to support something like this right now?
Does this sound interesting to pursue?


Nate Hill
nathanielhill at gmail.com
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