[Wikimedia-DC] Attending events on 2 consecutive weekends in DC; seeking couches/floors/cheap rentals/etc. for range ~April 28th-May 8th

Jeremy Baron jeremy at tuxmachine.com
Tue Apr 26 03:13:09 UTC 2011


I'm planning (tentatively) to attend both of these events which are in
DC on consecutive weekends:
* http://transparencycamp.org/ April 30-May 1
* http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimedia-dc/2011-April/000181.html
WM-DC meetup and incorporation mtg May 7th

I'm considering staying the whole week in between in DC (~April
28th-May 8th) and seeking couches/floors/cheap rentals/etc. if people
have spare room or know someone or have a lead on a good deal. (for
all or subsets of that time range)

Please reply to me directly if you have space, a referral or suggestion.

Thanks in advance,

New York City Wikimedian

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