[Wikimedia-Canada] Was there ever a Wikimeet?

Alan Walker fastalan at gmail.com
Sat Nov 27 22:02:47 UTC 2010

Amgine, are you interested in volunteering to coordinate any of this?  The
fact is we are looking for people to help out.  If anyone is interested in
volunteering please send me a private email with your contact details such
as phone number, name and email.  We have set up a spreadsheet of
interested volunteers that we are maintaining to help with future projects.
 We are making progress on the business component, but there is always work
to do.  In particular, if someone is interested in acting as a volunteer
coordinator that would be a big help.  In respect to meeting up, I'm not
certain if anyone is working on pulling that together, if I recall it was
sort of an ad hoc discussion at the time.

In respect to communication, there was an update posted on the meta page for
the project.  Here is the link for those of you who don't have it:



On 27 November 2010 15:20, Amgine <amgine.saewyc at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 10-11-26 03:50 PM, Alan Walker wrote:
> > Josh, we have filed the paperwork to form the charity.  We are waiting to
> hear back from gov.ca
> While unsurprised to hear this ex post facto, I'm curious about the
> current situation (and if there are any other 'official' communications
> channel I am also unaware of.) Also, I've been planning to travel to
> meet Ms Gardner when she meets with the chapter, but realised I still do
> not know when/where that meeting was intended to take place; has the
> date/event either fallen through or been more precisely defined?
> Amgine
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