[Wikimedia-Canada] Steering Committee

James Heilman jmh649 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 3 18:08:21 UTC 2010

WRT being part of the "steering committee" it was set up only for getting
this organization through the incorporation process. The documents has been
submitted. Only if it fails will more input be needed. If does pass the
bureaucratic hurtles and people disagree with any of the bylaw we can than
discuss amendments. Some of the previous email contain personal information.
While I am open to sharing this others may be less so.

WRT where we go next everyone has an equal opportunity to provide input. As
we are not formally an organization at this point there is no official
membership and no one to give official approval to carry something out. This
also means that any funding needed will be personally provided. Once we have
a bank account and a formal link with Wikimedia opportunities for funding
may appear. We will eventually need a site which will accept donations. I
think Alan Walker has expressed interest in creating something like this. It
is my hope that it will eventually go live at an address such as .
ca.wikimedia.org Wiki UK has a good design that we could emulate here
http://uk.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page and

If anyone has projects they wish to pursue please feel free to begin
discussion either here or on the meta site. The meta site of course could
use further development. Someone able to maintain translation into French
would be nice. Once incorporation has taken place I have a friend who has
agreed to help with this.

Projects I have been working on getting up and running include: 1) A
Wikimedia club at UBC. Another faculty member and Wikipedian
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Jbmurray has expressed interest in this.
2) Pushing for release of material by the Canadian government into the
creative common. A bunch of other great suggestions are listed here
James Heilman
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