[Wikimania-l] Wikimania 2011 videos - mission complete!

Sumana Harihareswara sumanah at wikimedia.org
Tue Nov 29 21:10:22 UTC 2011

On 11/29/2011 06:49 AM, Itzik Edri wrote:
> Hi,
> *I happy to announce that all the videos from Wikimania 2011 in Haifa are
> now available on our channel in YouTube!: http://www.youtube.com/WikimediaIL
> .*
> Next week I will send a HDD with all the footage and the edited videos to
> the WMF so they will have a copy for archive and so they can upload it to
> commons also.
> *Don't forget also to check our Flickr stream!:
> http://www.flickr.com/WikimediaIL*
> On the schedule you will find links to the videos:
> http://wikimania2011.wikimedia.org/wiki/Schedule
> Also, on each submissions page there is a links to the video, slides and
> Etherpad (if available). *For the presenter who didn't upload their slides
> yet, please do so and update your submissions page.*
> *** Bonus! - a video clip that we made after Wikimania to summarize the
> (amazing!) beach party: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1-MzHGA6fc ***
> It was harder than we thought - to record 3 days, in 5 simulation
> High-Definition cameras, and than edit, upload and tag them - really not an
> easy thing. What we thought will take us few weeks, took about 2 months -
> but I'm happy that we finish with that finally :)
> I think now we've made this step, we finished our commitment to the
> community and to the conference participants. I Hope everyone will enjoy
> and will found our (hard) work useful. I personally going to find time to
> watch some of lectures... (a tip for Wikimania organizers - don't plan to
> attend session during the conference, you will fail :).
> And some statistics:
> We have about 2TB of footages, 135GB of edit videos, all of them are in HD.
> During the confrtence we produce 3 summaries video clips (and one more
> after that)
> Until now the videos on our YouTube channel had been watched more than
> 16,000 times and our Flickr stream, who have 1,425 photos been seen more
> than 83,000 times!
> Thanks everyone for the great opportunity to have this conference in Haifa,
> and good luck to the great guys in D.C next year!
> Itzik
> Wikimania 2011 local team
> (probably the last time i'm going to use this title...)

Thank you.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  I so thoroughly appreciate
your and your team's relentless persistent getting-things-done!  And
these videos are so valuable, as educational artifacts and as memories.
 Best wishes!

Sumana Harihareswara
Volunteer Development Coordinator
Wikimedia Foundation

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