[Wikimania-l] Wikimania-l Digest, Vol 68, Issue 4

Béria Lima berialima at gmail.com
Wed Nov 2 18:31:37 UTC 2011

Sorry Roan, I wanted to say the same thing you did but i failed.

2nd attempt: Citizens from any other country, with a canadian visa, still
need a USA visa to get into USA.

Or more detailed in Roan's mail ;)
*Béria Lima*
<http://wikimedia.pt/>(351) 925 171 484

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livre acesso ao somatório de todo o conhecimento humano. É isso o que
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On 2 November 2011 10:35, Roan Kattouw <roan.kattouw at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 11:04 AM, Béria Lima <berialima at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Justin, canadians also need visa to be in USA, so ask for a canandian
> visa
> > doesn't help.
> Canadians don't need a visa for most short visits. But by "Canadians"
> I mean people with a Canadian passport. If you have a Brazilian
> passport, it doesn't matter how you enter the US (by air, land or sea,
> directly from Brazil or via Canada), you will need a US visa. A
> Canadian visa won't help you get into the US at all: the US and Canada
> are separate countries with border controls between them (the border
> isn't open like the one between the UK and Ireland, or the borders
> between Schengen countries in Europe).
> That said, I hear it's possible to get a visa from a US consulate in
> Canada, which I presume will have shorter waiting times than some
> consulates elsewhere. But this is probably not allowed in most
> circumstances if you're not a Canadian citizen. In the OP's case where
> his country of citizenship doesn't have a consulate or embassy and
> he's gonna have to apply in a third country anyway, it might just be
> allowed, I guess. But Canada is a lot farther from Iran than Turkey or
> the UAE and doesn't have visa-free travel for Iranians either, so
> you'd have to get a visa in order to get a visa :P . I wouldn't know
> what sort of choice you have in choosing the country where you apply
> for a visa and whether you're allowed to apply in a country farther
> away from Iran where waiting times are shorter. You should probably
> talk to an immigration lawyer about that sort of thing.
> Roan
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