[Wikimania-l] What to do about 2012, and the future

Everton Zanella Alvarenga everton137 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 19 12:42:46 UTC 2011


I believe Harel idea is an important issue to discuss. I've
participated of the last two Wikimanias. A good idea wikimedians from
South American chapters had was of local meetings - it was during that
meeting of regional chapters.

Maybe having regional Wikimanias one year and global Wikimania another
could be good. The regional meeting could be used for strenghening
ties among some places where Wikimedia Foundation is trying to expand
its projects, for example, developing countries such as India and

The best ideas and *actions* created on these regional meeting could
even serve for selecting who would go to the global meeting, on the
next year.

Even having more meetings on the year of regional meeting, maybe the
travel expenses would be reduced and the meetings more useful for
expanding Wikemedia Foundation aims.



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