[Wikimania-l] Babysitting at Wikimania - who needs it?

Delphine Ménard notafishz at gmail.com
Mon Apr 25 14:13:35 UTC 2011

[xposting to gendergap as this might be relevant there]

Hi all,

I have already asked offlist some of you I know might be interested in
bringing your kids to Wikimania, but I'm putting the question out
again here.

The Haifa team is working on finding options for babysitting during
the conference. As Liron pointed out, there are many more of us with
kids now, and we'd like to make sure that people can enjoy Wikimania
while showing their kids and family what this Wiki thing is all about.

As such, I am putting out a general call out there so that we can get
organized with this aspect of the conference.

We need to know as soon as possible who wants to come with their kids
and who would need babysitting.

We're looking at professional day-care possibilities, with a
possibility for the kids to be taken care of during the day (9.00 -
17.00) on the conference site, which will allow parents to come and go
with their kids as they visit sessions or don't.

If you're thinking about coming to Wikimania, but are reluctant to
leave your kids behind, this is the time to speak up. The more
prepared we are, the better, and the more we are, the better too, kids
are going to have fun learning about the edit button :)

While we're looking for sponsors or ways to finance this, it might be
that those of us with kids will have to pay a little to make this
happen in the best of ways. We'll try and make sure to keep the costs
as low as possible.

If you're interested, please send an email offlist to:
delphine [at] notafish [punto] org AND liron [at] wikimedia [punto]
org.il so we can get organized.

What we need from you is the following:
Number of kids:
Age of the kids:
Do you need more than just day care, for example evening babysitting
(note: this for now is an option, and is not what we're focusing on,
so we can't promise we'll get that part sorted out within the frame of
the conference babysitting options, but if we have demand, we'll
definitely be looking into this)

I hope to have lots of people interested and looking at bringing their
kids so that the day care is fun for all.

Can't wait to have my kids learn a few other languages ;)




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