[Wikimania-l] Wikimania 2012 Awarded to Washington, DC

aude aude.wiki at gmail.com
Wed Apr 13 00:54:26 UTC 2011

On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 8:34 PM, James Owen <jowen at wikimedia.org> wrote:

> Dear all,
> The Wikimania jury are pleased to announce that they have selected
> Washington, D.C.,

Thank you James and all jury members for the valuable feedback in the Q&A

We're happy to take additional feedback and work hard to make it a super
fabulous event!

Katie (@aude)

> USA as the location for Wikimania 2012[0]. The DC team presented an
> imaginative and exciting bid[1] that the jurors found impressive. As before,
> all the bids to host Wikimania had strong points in their favour and making
> this decision was difficult. We will send detailed feedback to each of the
> bids, but for now we know the winning team will appreciate the community's
> support and help in making a great Wikimania in 2012. The jury particularly
> thanks the other finalist in the process, the South African team[2] for
> their excellent work, and encourages them to bid again in the near future.
> If you have never been to a Wikimania before I would urge you to consider
> attending. This year the conference will be in Haifa, Israel[3], and
> promises to be an excellent event. Wikimania is always a great way to meet
> members of our global community and help improve the movement, and
> Washington DC looks to be a worthy successor.
> Our congratulations to the Washington DC team and many thanks to all of the
> bidders for working so hard. I encourage all bidders to use the fantastic
> energy they have put into their bids by hosting smaller continental or
> regional events, and considering another bid for Wikimania in the future.
> The jury welcomes looks forward to discussing the result and the Wikimania
> process with the community.
> [0] Jury, process&  timeline:http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_2012
> [1] DC bid:
> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_2012/Bids/Washington,_D.C.
> [2] SA bid:
> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_2012/Bids/Stellenbosch
> [3] Wikimania 2011:http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_2011
> Yours,
> The Wikimania 2012 jury moderators [non-voting]
> * James Forrester
> * Joseph Seddon
> On behalf of the Wikimania 2012 jury:
> * Ting Chen
> * Austin Hair
> * Richard Knipel
> * Deror Lin
> * Patricio Lorente
> * Abbas Mahmoud
> * Takashi Ota
> * James Owen
> * Achal Prabhala
> * Liam Wyatt
> * Phoebe Ayers [non-voting advisor]
> * Sue Gardner [non-voting advisor]
> * Samuel Klein [non-voting advisor]
> * Delphine Menard [non-voting advisor]
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