[Wikimania-l] Wikimania photos / security

Everton Zanella Alvarenga everton137 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 31 23:09:39 UTC 2009


I just visited the Wikimania photos on Flickr which I found on
Wikimania 2009 website:


an the first photos are related to the laptop theft. I don't think it
transmits a good image for what was Wikimania (I share the opinion
about the good job done by organizers). Maybe most of you agree with
the photo of the guy who has stolen the laptop at Wikimania's photos
official page (I do not), but at the front page? (at least until more
photos being uploaded)

By the way, if someone is still at Buenos Aires, let me give a piece
of advice. Last Saturday, around 14-15h (oh! if I found enough people
for playing football :-P), while walking with my girlfriend and
another Wikimedian (Alexandre Abdo) at 9 de Julio Avenue, close to 25
de Mayo, I was punched at my face by a guy who asking for money. I was
distracted when he and another guy just appeared and I quickly said
"Yo no tengo" (= "I don't have") - with a bad accent :-P. The guy
holed my arm strongly and my first reaction was to push quickly my arm
away from his fingers (maybe this was my stupid movement, which I
don't recommend). I was very surprised by this guy reaction. It didn't
hurt that much and everything got fine. Maybe I was just unlucky, but
I think I should share this with people still in Buenos Aires.

Besides this incident, I loved Buenos Aires city and Wikimania event!
Someday I'll visit the city more carefully.

Best wishes,



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