[Wikimania-l] Update on 2010 timetable?

Wojciech Pędzich wpedzich at wp.pl
Tue Apr 21 20:15:40 UTC 2009

effe iets anders pisze:
> talking about journalists... it might be good to consider telling the 
> local teams (or at least the winning team) some time in advance before 
> making the decision public, to enable them to prepare a proper (joint) 
> press release from the chapter and/or the wmf. I know this is not very 
> ideal towards the community, but this might be an advantage to catch 
> attention, and to reach out that way.
> best, lodewijk

Against. That'd mean there are some priviledged people who should know 
(how will you define them?) and "the others". I also don't think that 
whoever gets word of the results will be able to keep his keyboard shut 
for long enough. Besides, it's the WMF who's organising the conference 
with the aid of the local team and local chapters (if available) the way 
I understand it. Don't shoot for PR, just try to make the best bid you 
can so that the conference runs smoothly, not with glamour.


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