[WikiIT-l] Risultati della mia campagna elettorale

BRIOSCHI Elfrida Elfrida.BRIOSCHI a vodafone.com
Ven 31 Ott 2003 18:51:40 UTC

Ciao a tutti!
Scusate, ma fino a meta' settimana prossima continuero' a comparire un po' poco sia su it.wiki che in ml... purtroppo il lavoro chiama!
Allora... dopo aver ricevuto i vostri voti favorevoli, mi sono fatta avanti sulla ml internazionale dove...mi hanno chiesto se ero l'unica o se c'era qualcun altro interessato. Li' per li' ho detto di essere l'unica, anche perche' -francamente- non si era fatto avanti nessun altro.
Dalla wikipedia tedesca si e' fatto avanti Fantasy (trovate traccia di lui sulla mia Talk) che si e' offerto anche lui come admin.
Poi non e' successo piu' nulla.
Mi aspettavo che fosse un po' come quando ho chiesto di creare questa ml: in privato mi e' stata mandata la pwd e il lnk per accedere al pannello di controllo... invece, come dicevo, non e' successo nulla. Settimana prossima mi informero' bene...
Prima di incollarvi le mail che sono passate sulla ml internazionale, volevo proporvi di segnalarmi, man mano che ci incappate (magari sulla pagina Frieda/News) le pagine sbagliate che vanno cancellate, in modo da avere una sorta di lista TODO pronta.
E adesso spazio alle mail (scusate se sono lunghe!).
Buon fine settimana a tutti!

From: frieduz a tiscali.it [mailto:frieduz a tiscali.it]
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 3:26 PM
To: intlwiki-l a wikipedia.org
Subject: [Intlwiki-l] It.wiki admin

Hi all,
long time ago italian wikipedia had an admin, Gianfranco. But he disappeared
last february and none of us is still in contact with him, so admin position
is vacant.
I would like to apply for this position. I'm more a webmaster than a writer,
i love (yes, it's possible!) "hard background work"... 
I made my electoral campaign on italian wikilist, and I got back "great"
what do you think? may I?

-----Original Message-----
From: Jimmy Wales [mailto:jwales a bomis.com]
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 3:35 PM
To: Wikipedia multilingual issues
Subject: Re: [Intlwiki-l] It.wiki admin

Sounds good to me.  Are there other regulars who you would recommend
as well?

-----Original Message-----
From: BRIOSCHI Elfrida 
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 3:58 PM
To: Wikipedia multilingual issues
Subject: RE: [Intlwiki-l] It.wiki admin

I don't think so.
I don't know exactly why, but old regulars are "in pause" and new wikipedians are more involved in writing than in technical stuffs... except when they find some "bug": there's a wrong article, how can i delete it? or, i cannot update a page, i got back an error, something about a locked page; how can i unlock it?
then i, or anyone else, try to explain that we haven't an admin anymore. but none said "hey! i really want to become our admin". 
So, I'm quite sure I'm alone!

-----Original Message-----
From: Jimmy Wales [mailto:jwales a bomis.com]
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 4:29 PM
To: Wikipedia multilingual issues
Subject: Re: [Intlwiki-l] It.wiki admin

I just meant that it's not a good situation for it.wikipedia to be
left with no admin, or with only one, and so I think we should see if
we can find several others to do the job.

The big danger of a single admin is that there's no checks and
balances on power that way, and there might be a tendency for people
to misunderstand the position to be one of power and control.


-----Original Message-----
From: Joachim Kerschbaumer [mailto:email a joachim.net]
Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2003 8:40 AM
To: Wikipedia multilingual issues
Subject: Re: [Intlwiki-l] It.wiki admin

Summary of this email: 
- Support for Frieda 
- Fantasy proposed as second Admin 
- Update the software of it.wikipedia needed! 

Jimmy wrote: 
> No, actually I didn't mean that. He took me the right way. I think 
> we can take him on his word that he's supported for the position -- 
I'm sure if it isn't true, we'll hear back quickly! I support Frieda for Admin. For what I can see on the italian Mailinglist, she has a lot of support there as well! 

> I just meant that it's not a good situation for it.wikipedia to be 
> left with no admin, or with only one, and so I think we should see if 
> we can find several others to do the job. 
I offer myself as second admin. Reasons: I am en/de Admin, I am italian citicen. Reason why I am not yet involved in the italian Wikipedia: It's the old software. It's really hard to work with the old Version of Wikipedia if you are used to the new one. Not even a log-in button... :-( 

> The big danger of a single admin is that there's no checks and
> balances on power that way, and there might be a tendency for people 
> to misunderstand the position to be one of power and control. 
By seeing the list of people supporting Frieda for Admin, I am sure, it is only a matter of weeks to find more Admins for the italian Wikipedia. 
Fantasy :-) 

Elfrida Brioschi
Program Management & Tracking
Vodafone Omnitel N.V.
via Lorenteggio, 270/a  Milano
tel: +39024143.2047
fax: +39024143.5354
E-mail: elfrida.brioschi a vodafone.com

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