[Wikies-l] Translations to Spanish for the new namespaces

ManuelGR mgrojo en ya.com
Dom Jun 20 21:36:01 UTC 2004


I'm ManuelGR, an administrator from es.wikipedia. You can find in 
attachment our updated translation for LanguageEs.php.

I don't know which is the procedure for sending this updates, I beg your 
pardon if I shouldn't bother you with these issues. In such case, please 
tell me how can we update the translation. Thanks.

I edited the revision 1.21, which still has the HEAD tag at the time of 
writing. I respected the UTF-8 encoding and hope it will not be broken 
while sending it.

Thanks for your attention.
ManuelGR from es.wikipedia.org
------------ próxima parte ------------
Se ha borrado un mensaje que no está en formato texto plano...
Nombre     : LanguageEs.php
Tipo       : application/x-httpd-php
Tamaño     : 52101 bytes
Descripción: no disponible
Url        : http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikies-l/attachments/20040620/9a1dad77/attachment.php 

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