[WikiEN-l] More stringent notability requirements for biographical articles

Ken Arromdee arromdee at rahul.net
Mon Mar 26 18:11:42 UTC 2012

On Mon, 26 Mar 2012, David Gerard wrote:
>> For some reason a lot of BLP policy is like that: "here we have the same
>> policy we use for everything else, but we really mean it this time".  This
>> never works, of course.
> I think that's an overstatement - it sometimes doesn't work, which is
> quite distinct from "never works".

"The policy doesn't work" doesn't mean that all BLPs are bad, it just means
that they are *as* bad as they would have been without the policy.  The
cases you refer to as it "working" are cases where other policies work and
these polices provide no extra benefit.

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